Achievements and unfinished agenda of the fiscal equalization system in Croatia | Published online: December 7, 2022 Figure 1
LRGU revenue sources from 2000 to 2020 (in % of GDP)
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on revenues and expenditures,
receipts and expenses (Form PR-RAS) for the years 2000-2020.
Figure 2
LRGU tax revenue from 2000 to 2020 (in % of GDP)
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on revenues and expenditures,
receipts and expenses (Form PR-RAS) for the years 2000-2020.
Table 1
General PIT sharing scheme (in %)
Source: Law on Financing of Local and Regional Self-Government Units (OG 117/93, 33/00, 59/01, 107/01, 117/01, 150/02, 147/03, 132/06, 73/08, 25/12, 147/14, 100/15, 115/16 and 127/17, 138/20).
Figure 3
Gini coefficients of the distribution of PIT and surtax and fiscal equalization funds per capita in 2017 and 2018
Source: Authors’ calculation based on the data from the Report on revenues and expenditures,
receipts and expenses (Form PR-RAS) for the years 2017 and 2018.
Figure 4
Lorenz curves of disparities in per capita fiscal capacities in 2018
Source: Authors.
Table 2
Comparative effects on per capita fiscal disparities in 2018
Figure 5
Gini coefficients of the distribution of current own revenues and fiscal equalization funds per capita from 2018 to 2020
Source: Authors.
Figure 6
LRGUs’ functional expenditure from 2000 to 2020 (in % of GDP)
Note: GPS: general public services, DEF: defense, POS: public order and safety, EA: economic
affairs, ENV: environment, HC: housing and community, HLT: health,
RCR: recreation, culture,
and religion, EDU: education, SP: social protection. Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on revenues and expenditures,
receipts and expenses (Form PR-RAS) for the years 2000-2020. Table 3
Summary statistics of LRGUs’ functional expenditure components per capita in 2018 (in HRK)
Note: GPS: general public services, DEF: defense, POS: public order and safety, EA: economic affairs, ENV: environment, HC: housing and community, HLT: health, RCR: recreation, culture and religion, EDU: education, and SP: social protection. Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on Revenues and Expenditures, Receipts and Expenses (Form PR-RAS) for 2018. Table 4
Expenditure for selected functions for counties in 2018 (as a % of total)
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on expenditure according to functional classification (Form RAS-functional) for 2018. Table 5
Summary statistics of per capita expenditure for selected functions of counties in 2018 (in HRK)
Table 6
Expenditure for selected functions of LGUs in 2018 (as a % of total)
Table 7
Summary statistics of per capita expenditure for selected functions of cities in 2018 (in HRK)
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on expenditure according to functional classification (Form RAS-functional) for 2018. Table 8
Summary statistics of per capita expenditure for selected functions of municipalities in 2018 (in HRK)
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on expenditure according to functional classification (Form RAS-functional) for 2018. Figure 7
Gini coefficients of per capita expenditure for primary education and firefighting of cities and municipalities in 2018
Note: Dec +: LGUs that took over the decentralized functions, Dec –: LGUs that did not take
over the decentralized functions.
Source: Authors’ calculation, based on the data from the Report on expenditure according to
functional classification (Form RAS-functional) for 2018. Table 9
Decentralization of particular public functions in 2020
Note: * In three counties (Virovitičko-podravska, Zagrebačka and Krapinsko-zagorska) there are no homes for the elderly and infirm founded by the state nor the LRGUs. Source: Decisions on minimum financial standards for individual public functions (OG 128/19). Figure 8
Expected expenditure for decentralized functions from 2014 to 2022 (in % of GDP)
Source: Annual regulations on the financing of decentralized functions and the calculation of the
amount of equalization grants for decentralized functions of LRGUs
from 2014 to 2020. Figure 9
Equalization grants for decentralized functions from 2017 to 2020 (in % of GDP)
Source: Ministry of Finance – Analytical report of the Budget from 2017 to 2020.
Table 10
Effectiveness of the fiscal needs equalization system for newly decentralized functions in 2018
Table 11
Minimum financial standards and equalization grants for newly decentralized functions in 2018 (in HRK million)
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December, 2022 IV/2022 |