About PSEPublic Sector Economics (PSE) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Institute of Public Finance in Zagreb, Croatia. The journal seeks submissions of original theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers analysing the role and functioning of the public sector at macroeconomic, sectoral and microeconomic levels. PSE was first published in 1976 under the name of Financijska praksa (ISSN 0350-5669) in Croatian, it came of age in 1995 when it was renamed Financijska teorija i praksa (ISSN 1332-3970). From 2005 to 2010, the journal was published in both Croatian, as Financijska teorija i praksa, and English, as Financial Theory and Practice (ISSN 1846-887X). From 2010 to 2016, Financial Theory and Practice was published only in English. In 2017, it was renamed Public Sector Economics. PSE is published four times a year: in March, June, September and December. Acceptance rate: 20% (2023). There is no submission fee. PSE is co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of the Republic of Croatia. PSE follows the best practices in academic publishing and continuously updates its ethical guidelines for editors, authors, and reviewers. We welcome your suggestions on how to improve our journal and its website! PSE is a member of the CEE Network of Public Administration and Policy Journals. PSE Editor-in-Chief Mihaela Bronic is a member of The European Association of Science Editors (EASE). Indexing / AbstractingArticles published in PSE are indexed in: SCOPUS (Elsevier); EconLit (American Economic Association's electronic database); ABI/INFORM Global; ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS); PAIS Index; RePEc, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals, Lund University, Sweden) and HRČAK (Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia). Editorial and Advisory BoardPSE is managed by the Editorial Board (below: the editors) comprising the Editor-in-Chief, Co-editors and Associate Editors.
Advisory Board members are prominent scholars from academic and policy institutions who review with the editors the activities and publications of PSE. PSE has ethics committee to handle ethics issues, review allegations, and initiate impartial and confidential investigations of cases. The members are Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University), Dubravko Mihaljek (PSE Co-editor), and Aleksandar Štulhofer (University of Zagreb). Please refer to our Ethical guidelines for more details on PSE governance arrangements. List of reviewersOver the years we have tried to attract good authors and highly competent reviewers. All submissions to PSE undergo a double-blind peer review. To thank reviewers of both published and unpublished papers for their decisive role in improving the quality of PSE, we continuously update the list of reviewers since 2019. We are of course also grateful to those who did the same in the preceding forty years of our journal's presence. | Call for papersFor regular issues of the journal